Lateral Flow Device Tests Supply Service (LFD Service)

The NHS Lateral Flow Device Tests Supply Service for patients potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments (LFD service) was commissioned as an Advanced Service from 6th November 2023, and allows eligible patients (see below) to obtain free LFD test kits from participating pharmacies.

This is a walk-in service where patients or their representatives can collect one box of 5 LFD tests from a participating community pharmacy on confirmation that the patient is part of the potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments cohort.

Wherever possible, eligible patients should obtain LFD tests via the service in advance of developing symptoms.


Eligible Patients

The list of patients (aged 12 years and over) that are eligible to access LFD tests via the service (because they are at risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 and therefore are potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments) can be found in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance: Supporting information on risk factors for progression to severe COVID-19.

From 1st April 2024, the following additional patient groups became eligible to access the LFD service, as well as those listed in the NICE guidance (link above):

  • People aged 85 years and over
  • People with end-stage heart failure who have a long-term ventricular assistance device
  • People on the organ transplant waiting list
  • People resident in a care home who are aged 70 years and over
  • People resident in a care home who have a BMI of 35 kg/m2 or more
  • People resident in a care home who have diabetes
  • People resident in a care home who have heart failure
  • People currently in a hospital who are aged 70 years and over
  • People currently in a hospital who have a BMI of 35 kg/m2 or more
  • People currently in a hospital who have diabetes
  • People currently in a hospital who have heart failure


Signing Up to Provide the Service

Pharmacy owners must notify NHS England that they intend to provide the service by completion of an electronic registration through the NHS Business Services Authority’s (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) portal.


Funding and Claiming Payment

A service fee of £4 + VAT will be paid for each completed transaction of the supply of one box of five COVID-19 LFD test kits and the cost of tests supplied will be paid according to arrangements set out in the Drug Tariff (paragraph 81 of Part VIC).

Pharmacy owners need to submit their claims for payment within the MYS portal, as part of the normal month end claims process.

Claims for payment should be submitted within one month of, and no later than three months from the claim period for the chargeable activity provided. Claims which relate to work completed more than three months after the claim period in question, will not be paid.


Signposting Patients 

A service finder, on the NHS website, lets members of the public and healthcare professionals search for a pharmacy that offers free COVID-19 rapid LFD tests via the LFD Service (see It is therefore important that pharmacies update their NHS Profile Manager to show that the service is available at their pharmacy (it will be listed as ‘COVID-19 lateral flow tests (eligible NHS patients)’ in the Treatments and Services section).


Read more about the LFD service and view the support materials available to help you provide the service



Service specification

Implementation checklist (PDF)

Template Standard Operating Procedure (Microsoft Word)

Team briefing sheet for the service (PDF)

Eligible patient groups (PDF)

Data collection form (PDF)

Template email/letter for care homes (Microsoft Word)


Service Promotion

Pfizer has produced an A3 poster (updated in July 2024) to help pharmacies promote the service to customers; a number of pharmacies outside of our area have found the summary of the eligibility criteria helpful for both pharmacy staff and customers.  If you would like a printed copy to display within your branch then please contact Stephen Doyle, Anti-infectives Healthcare Partnership Manager – North East and Yorkshire

Updated LFD Service Poster July 2024



Last Updated: 30th October 2024