CPWY Strategy
Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire Strategy 2022-2024
Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire is the Local Pharmaceutical Committee for West Yorkshire. As the organisation representing all community pharmacy contractors in our area, we represent and promote community pharmacy in discussions with the NHS, local authorities and partner organisations.
Our ambition is that community pharmacy is at the heart of the communities they serve; an integrated part of a sustainable primary care based NHS, promoting and improving health and wellbeing for patients and the public, now and in the future. It is our role at Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire to work with pharmacy teams, along with local and national stakeholders, to realise this vision for community pharmacy in West Yorkshire.
The current financial situation for community pharmacy has, quite rightly, led us to an increased focus on the support we offer contractors and their pharmacy teams to help them to continue delivering quality services to their patients whilst maximising income to protect against the cuts to national funding.
This strategy will help direct our work to ensure we are doing the best for our pharmacy teams to enable them to deliver outstanding sustainable care to their communities. This plan is strategic and high level. Work plans sit beneath this strategy and outline how each element of the strategy will be implemented.
The core role of Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire is to protect pharmacy income to ensure that pharmacy teams are able to deliver sustainable health and wellbeing services to their communities. We will:
- Work with pharmacy teams to ensure as many pharmacies in West Yorkshire receive full funding under the Quality Payment Scheme
- Work to ensure that the Pharmacy Integration Fund is used to develop the role of community pharmacy teams in West Yorkshire
- Work with local commissioning organisations and other partners to ensure the sustainability of current locally commissioned services
Pharmacy teams are the key to supporting patients and the public in improving their health and wellbeing at the heart of communities. We value their role and we will use the CPWY Academy to support their desire to continually improve. We will:
- Identify topics where the CPWY Academy can best support pharmacy teams
- Improve the ability of pharmacy teams to work with other health care professionals in a more collaborative way
- Support pharmacy team wellbeing recognising the increasing pressure across all areas of health care
Patients and the public value the services their local pharmacy network offers them. Involving them in planning, designing and improving what pharmacy offers them will help create better and more effective services whilst developing strong advocates for the sector. We will:
- Develop Pharmacy Patient Participation Groups so that patients and the public can be more involved with pharmacy services in their communities
- Engage patient groups and the wider third sector in developing and supporting the role of community pharmacy teams.
- Promote the role of community pharmacy raising public perception
We will continue to develop and implement community pharmacy services delivering on the three key roles described in the Community Pharmacy Forward View:
- As the facilitator of personalised care for people with long-term conditions
- As the trusted, convenient first port of call for episodic healthcare advice and treatment
- As the neighbourhood health and wellbeing hub
Community Pharmacy Offer
In our work within the health and social care organisations and stakeholders we are often asked ‘What is the Community Pharmacy Offer?’ So that we can consistently describe the extensive community pharmacy offer and outline the potential to increase the use of community pharmacy by the system we have produced a Community Pharmacy Proposition paper that we are using to support our conversations.