Pharmacy Contracts & Services
If you need to contact the WY Primary Care (Pharmacy) Commissioning Team you should email:
Your email will be passed to the relevant member of the team, based on your query.
The local team is located here:
White Rose House
West Parade Wakefield WF1 1LT |
Click on the links below to go to the relevant information:
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks
Dispensing Specials – Certificates of Conformity
General NHS Customer & Patient Complaints
Managing a Temporary Pharmacy Closure
NHS North East and Yorkshire Region’s Webpage for Community Pharmacy
Patient Returned Waste Medicines Collection
Payment and Non-Payment Enquiries
Place-based (ICB) Medicines Optimisation Contacts
Pre-Registration Training Grants
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (ICS)
Managing a Temporary Pharmacy Closure
Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Checklist
Please see the CPE website here for further information. CPE also has an important checklist you can use which provides guidance on planning which can be undertaken, as part of business continuity planning, in advance of an emergency closure and actions that should be considered in the event of a closure:
Checklist for when a temporary suspension occurs
Any unplanned / temporary closures should be reported as soon as possible to using the Annex 18 form which can be found here.
The pharmacy will need to report information on the closure including the reason and detail of the arrangements that have been made for patients. Please remember to inform the WY ICB team when the pharmacy has reopened. Pharmacies will also need to:
- update DoS profile to reflect that the pharmacy is having to close.
- update your entry.
- liaise with your nearby pharmacies to check who is remaining open and display a notice sign on the closed door for patients.
Patients receiving pharmacy services for supervised consumption / daily CD collection can be left especially vulnerable when a pharmacy is unable to open at short notice. Pharmacies providing these services should give careful consideration as to how this patient group can be supported should the pharmacy be unable to open. Please make sure you have notified local commissioners and providers supporting you to provide this sort of service, so they are also aware.
Annual Complaints Reports
The Annual Complaints Return is required under Pharmacy contractual framework and should be completed annually and sent as soon as possible after 31st March to
Pre-Registration Training Grants
Community Pharmacy England information on pre-registration training grants, which also includes a Pre-reg funding application form, can be accessed here.
Please send all pre-registration claim forms to the West Yorkshire Primary Care Pharmacy Team using the contact details above. To ensure timely processing of the claim please ensure that the form is fully completed.
Contractors are not required to submit the GPhC confirmation letter with the claim, but if the GPhC letter is available it would be helpful to submit this alongside the claim form.
Patient Returned Waste Medicines Collection
NHSE has reviewed the management provisions for clinical waste contracts nationally. Following a successful procurement process led by our national team we have appointed Anenta Ltd as the new managing agent for waste contracts in the West Yorkshire area.
Anenta will be your single point of contact for pharmaceutical waste issues. Anenta operate an online system that will allow you to interact with them to make service requests, advise of deficiencies in the service or to simply seek advice in a fully auditable manner. The system will also hold compliance documentation on your behalf and any other relevant communication, service level requirements and FAQ’s to assist you.
For urgent collections or additional stock please contact Anenta:
Tel: 03301 222 143
Email: or open a service ticket within your online account at
See our Disposal of Unwanted Medicines page for further West Yorkshire details here or the Community Pharmacy England website for national / contractual information here.
Controlled Drugs
See our Controlled Drugs page for information relating to controlled drugs matters.
Reporting (non-CD) Incidents
Please remember that it is a requirement of the NHS contractual framework that you report through the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) web portal at NRLS Reporting.
General NHS Customer & Patient Complaints
Complaints should be raised directly with the pharmacy as they will have a complaints process. Alternatively the new complaints process from 1st July 2023 is available below which includes contact details to use for the West Yorkshire ICB.
Primary Care Complaints Letter – Corrected Version 28/06/2023
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks
With regards to DBS, please note that NHS England do NOT arrange or pay for checks. Please see this message from the Clinical Advisor for the North: For pharmacy staff requiring the new DBS check, there are numerous on-line agencies that can produce them and we recommend that people then within 14 days sign up to the DBS update service: This will effectively keep the data up to date for a small annual fee. The link to the DBS site for further information is as follows:
Dispensing Special – Certificates of Conformity
Until notified otherwise, do NOT send to NHS England. Please keep safe in the pharmacy AND make available for pharmacy visits or until a request is received from NHS England. Please can you keep these for 5 years.
Stationery Orders
NHSE supplies, including NHSE stationery, pre-printed forms, needles and syringes, should be ordered through PCSE Online.
Market Entry
For information on market entry go to: and follow the instructions. Information on this website includes:
- Policy for determining applications
- Application Forms
- Procedures for current needs; future needs; improvements or better access; future improvements or better access; unforeseen benefits; no significant change relocations; distance selling pharmacies; change of ownership; change of ownership combined with no significant change relocation; temporary listings arising from suspension; right of return; temporary applications during a declared emergency; temporary arrangements because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor; provision of directed services
- Market entry flowcharts
- Template notice of commencement
Queries around market entry should be send by e-mail to:
Payment and Non-Payment Enquiries etc
Please contact the NHSBSA regarding prescription enquiries.
Contact the appropriate commissioner (e.g. ICB / WYAT / Local Authority) regarding any issues with locally commissioned services.
Please note there is currently no contractual process for refunding or correcting non- payments or under payments for nationally commissioned services that are as a consequence of errors made by the pharmacy (e.g. incorrect staff hours declaration) however, overpayments will be recovered so please take care when completing the FP34C (see Monthly Payments for more information).
Place-based (ICB) Medicines Optimisation Contacts
The email addresses below are for the Medicines Optimisation (MO) team for each area. Pharmacy teams may wish to contact the MO team to escalate where prescribing concerns (eg prescribing of a split tablet where a licensed product is available, prescribing of a branded generic medicine that is no longer available) cannot be resolved between pharmacy and prescriber locally.
- Bradford –
- Calderdale –
- Kirklees –
- Leeds –
- Wakefield –
The link to a safeguarding app is here:
This resource provides links to all safeguarding guidance, pathways and boards and will have up to date contact information for all areas.
See additional WY Safeguarding information in our Clinical Governance section here.
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (ICS)
The West Yorkshire and Harrogate ICS is called the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership. The ICS website includes information about the ICS including plans and priority areas.
- The ICS website is available at
- ICS regular blogs are available here:
- Their twitter address is: @wyhpartnership in case you would like to follow them.
More details on ICS and STPs can be found on the Community Pharmacy England website:
Medicines Safety
A dedicated page on the ICS website offers information and guidance on medicines safety.
NHS North East and Yorkshire Region’s Webpage for Community Pharmacy
NHS North East and Yorkshire region’s webpage for community pharmacy includes video-interviews filmed at Honley and Halton pharmacies in West Yorkshire. Topics include how community pharmacy can reduce health inequalities, being involved in a PCN and DMS,
View the site here.
Last Updated: 15th February 2024