New e-Learning Training Module: Equality Act and Multi-compartmental Compliance Aids – Myths and Facts

VirtualOutcomes has released a new e-Learning module on the Equality Act and Multi-compartmental Compliance Aids (MCA).


Here at CPWY, we frequently get asked questions about MCAs, as contractors are looking to make efficiency savings in the pharmacy operations whilst we face such challenging financial times.

This 18 minute e-Learning training by VirtualOutcomes is brilliant and is worth all teams paying attention to.  It will support you to consider all aspects of the MCA side of your pharmacy and recommends alternative solutions to support patients when appropriate.

We would recommend watching this so you have a full understanding of the Equality Act prior to reviewing new and current patients for this service so you are fully informed of all the options and requirements.  Our website holds some additional information here which you may find of use on this topic.


More information can be found in the flyer below or on the VirtualOutcomes website here.


Equality Act and MCAs Myths and Facts – e-Learning Flyer